Just yesterday, my friend who ownes a Subway store told me his employee walked for about half a mile when it was -8 F in the morning to report to work on time since her car was broken. My friend said he had to scold her for endangering her health just because the employee was scared to lose her job. Yes, this is today's economy; where 2000 people report when there are 200 openings, 87000 jobs were reportedly lost in a month, thousands of cars are just sitting at the dealers, american automomakers are about to collapse & society's morale is all time low. This situation will shadow dear India after 6 months or so may be. Its so bad here, that it cannot get any worse; hopefully. Atleast, from here on, americans should learn a lesson & emplasize on saving a part of their pay check. Atleast now, all of us should realize how $ should now taken for granted as constant incoming commodity. I will always tell this story to my Subir; importantly since he was born this very year.
Honestly speaking, aren't we all responsible for this condition in some way or other? Its us who have created this captalist economy & encouraged bankers to exploit us. I wish Mr Obama takes a control over this scenario & helps out the rest of the world! Amen!!!