Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Analyze this & that

I finished reading, “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” quite some time ago now. Always wanted to read it because of the rave reviews it was showered upon by the west. The author, Robin Sharma is of Indian origin & has penned down a neat piece of work. I personally think the book is OK; way overrated by the media. The book might have appealed to the west because of the philosophical way of life practiced in India which the author has preached which is unheard of in the west. All said & done, to what extent can a book affect anybody’s life? I have always believed in reading because; you improve your hold over the language, are introduced to new ideas & thoughts & more than once get inspired. However, can books like “how to win friends” or “blah blah by Dale Carnegie” actually change your personality or traits? Is it actually possible to win friends or maintain them by reading a book? One can get influenced by words & get into a trance but what when you come back to the real yourself? More importantly, what about those who don’t read books at all? It certainly doesn’t mean they are not aware of the better things in life. Or is life a better teacher than any books? Do we learn the best from making mistakes or real life experiences?


Aditya said...

Well some books can leave an impression on you but, full stop dude! that's it! people saying something like, the book has changed their lives and blah blah seems far fetched to say the least...
Somehow I have always loved books with an open ended content. Books which let the readers to interpret it the way they possibly can and not the "1 week MBA" types! There are enormously successful books related to maintaining relationships. I fail to get this, how do you morph a totally subjective topic into a "how to do " manual ?

Vaidehi Dongre said...

well, u put my thoughts in words..i like books which r derivative in content, but just can't relate to "1 week mba" kinda books....

Sumeet said...

well ...m not an ardent reader at all but from whatever i have read i dont think that books can change somebody's perspective towards anything ...i totally agree with u on 'life is a better teacher' ...ONLY books that can change your life FOR GOOD are your text books (which we r least interested in reading!!)

Gaurav said...

I never believed in the self help type of books...books definitely contribute towards developing one's perspective towards a lot of things. But I am amazed at people who quote books which changed their lives. Just teh other day read about a guy from Nagpur, who was so impressed watching Jurassic Park that he switched profession, got into animations and ended up contributing to animations for the movie Refugee.